Friday, May 15, 2009

Here's something good

The Speed Gamers marathon is today at 5:00 PM CST  and last for 72 hours ,so don't miss out plus if you wanna donate to susan D komen the chip in wigzet of there's  is in the sidebar ,so have  a great time watching the mother 3 (earthbound) marathon Plus if you wanna to chat with the people go to or to join thew chatter  .

Man I have for the last few days been in google webmaster tools

Man I have been on google webmaster tools with frustration adding the requied meta tag ,but it keeps not veryied on  one of my blogs ,but for now  this blog has been artived and . Also The blog has been giveing my problems is rosevictorstaus2,,so everyone have a nice and happy friday
Hey you be happy it's friday

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