Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ya Adventure by Yal from Yo Yo Games

Welcome to the first blog post where freeware is involved. This post features a game from YoYo Games.
Well I like Yaventure: Adventures of Yal for being different to the many of mario freewares and having different characters counts as an plus and I can't explain it in words ,so you need to play it yourself link below. 

Yaventure: Adventures of Yal
Added: 15 June 2007
By: Yal 
Enjoy, Rosevictor

Announcement: Freeware Games in my interest

I was thinking in my head since I have a lot of freeware games on my PC. Then, why not share them with you all.

The reason that I am doing this is to share something that I find interesting from the past years of my freeware gaming,and I hope you will find them interesting to as well. Some of the games are platform games ,but there are some roll playing, adventure and even some shooter games as well. I hope that you all find them useful tidbits part of your day, and if not that is fine by me.

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