Monday, April 27, 2009

Facebook Drops Other Shoe Tomorrow?

The Wall Street Journal is reporting Facebook will open up most if not all of their user-contributed data to developers at a developer event tomorrow.Could this take us one step closer to the ultimate live stream of real-time events?

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83-year-old granny Yoga master

83-year-old Yoga instructor, Bette Calman, performs Yoga moves in Melbourne, Wednesday April 22, 2009. Bette moved to Melbourne to retire 8 years ago, only to find herself back in action again after her daughter Susie, who is also a Yoga instructor, was pestering for fill-in teachers. Despite her senior age, Bette is still practicing and teaching.

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rosevictor 04/27/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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